Speech module VSpeak - Multiplex MLink
Detailed information about VSpeak for Multiplex MLink can be found in detailed manual.
The speech module can be connected to the Multiplex-MLink GHz modules, to the intended connection, COM port, of the Telemetry-Display (MPX Item-No. 45182).
Whether the COM port of the present MLink RF module can be used for the connection of VSpeak - or an update / upgrade must be performed by multiplex is described in the "Compatibility Information" (see appendix of the manual).
English Forums on topic: Using the Speech Module
French Forums on topic: module vocal VSpeak pour JETI et M-Link
Italian Forums on topic: Telemetria parlante per tutti
German Forums on topic: Jeti-Duplex and speech output
Link to the homepage of the radio system: www.multiplex-rc.de