Fuel station "autofill"
fully automatic, bubble-free filling of "tank bags"
automatic filling of "normal" tanks (tank bottles, or combination of hopper and main tank)
Standard connections: 6mm hose / Festo connector
After flight: Determination of the residual quantity remaining in the tank
individual programming on the respective model
20 model memorys
supports the most common terminals: JetCat, ProJet, Jeti, evoJet, Jeti, Xicoy ...
For further details please read the detailed manual.
A range of optional accessories is available, please use the order form.
The fuel station is also available with a mounted and internally wired operating terminal (evoJet Micro EDT); see the following picture:
Many thanks to Ralph Losemann (www.elsterjet.de), who gave us valuable support during the development and with extensive tests of the tank station.
"fuelbag" are available from JP Modelltechnik, Jens Pohle -> mail: jensp@mail.de